Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is animal research in psychology ethical and necessary? Essay

Animals are living organisms that belong to the Animalia kingdom. These are classified as multicellular, meaning that their biological bodies is composed of many cells that interact to each other to perform biological processes. There are certain characteristics of animals that differ with other living organisms. Cell wall is not present in the cell of an animal unlike on plants. As mentioned earlier, animals are classified as eukaryotic which distinguish them from bacteria and protists. They digest their foods in a digestive system which separate from plants and algae. The body structures of animals of different species are almost the same. If not, they have many in common. The basic unit of life is cell. Cells work depending on their work. There are cells that manage the formation of blood while there are cells that control the formation and development of bones. Cells of the same structure and work will form larger organic system which is called the tissues (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1997). The work of tissue will depend on what kind of cell it was formed. After this stage, the lager stage which is composed of groups of tissues is called organs. Example of an organ is the eye. Eye is the sensory organ for sight. Animals use their eyes to see what is around them. The eye is composed of different cells and tissues. These cells and tissues interact together so that the animal can see the surrounding. And the last stage is called the system. System is composed on interrelated organs. Example of an animal biological system is the digestive system. It is composed of stomach, large and small intestines, esophagus and other organs. The digestive system works as the digester of the food that was eaten by an animal. The digestion process occurs at the digestion chamber which is the stomach. This stomach is composed of tissue muscles and muscle cells (Nielsen, 2001). Research Research is a human activity that is based from scientific method that seeks or wants to discover anything. In making a study or experiment, one must research existing knowledge or newly discovered facts that will aid in the conduct of the study or experiment. In doing a research study or experiment, the first thing to do is to determine the problem that wants to be solved. This is also known as the topic of the study. After this is the formation of the hypothesis. Hypothesis is an intelligent guess. You must test the hypothesis to determine the solution on the problem or the topic. The next thing to do is the gathering of the relevant data. These data will be used to support the discussion part of the research activity. Analysis of the gathered data will show how the data will affect the decision on the acceptance of the hypothesis. And the last part of a research method is the conclusion. In this part, the significance of the hypothesis is determined. This will show if the hypothesis will be accepted or rejected (Trochim, 2006). Psychology Psychology is the study of human behavior that uses interdisciplinary principles like science and mental processes. It is a branch of behavioral science. It deals on studying the behavior of human in social dynamics while incorporating physiological and neurological processes into its conceptions of mental functioning. Psychology tries to explain the complex behavior of the human mind that controls all the action and behavior of a person. All the factors are considered in this area of knowledge like the physical, social, political, and spiritual aspects of human. (Miller, 1890) Ethics Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of human values and customs. In this area of knowledge, the difference between good and bad, right and wrong are being emphasized. Ethical issues are usually encountered on people with profession. Ethical standards are set from different profession. These ethical standards will guide people in conducting and performing their duty. The ethical standards are usually based on right, good and norms. There are different ethical standards for different fields or professions (Perle, 2004). Alarming issue-The conservatives In the advent of the 19th century, technology had been an efficient tool in making the lives of human simpler and easier. Also, there was an obvious trend in the development of technology. Products of the technology today are smaller, faster, lightweight and more efficient compared to other products that were invented before the advancement of technology. In the agriculture sector, genetically modified corns are now popular. The new invented corn has many advantages compared to the traditional corn that is use in many corn plantations. Genetically modified corn has high resistant to pest infestation. Also, higher production is acquired when genetically modified corn is used by a farmer because corn kernel produced by a single corn is higher than on a normal corn. Thus many framers now are using the hybrid corn to increase their profit. Another product of the advancement of technology is Dolly. Dolly is a sheep that was cloned. In the 1990s, cloning was one of the focuses of many scientists. They modify the genetic makeup of a living organism and then cloning the original organism to produce an identical one. And the first living thing to be cloned was a sheep. On the two examples above, many conservative sectors were alarmed on the capability of technology to modify living organism. They said that it is not ethical to produce other living things because only the Creator must do that. Another ethical issue tat concern living organism is the research on animals’ psychology. In this paper, deep analysis will be done to justify why there is a need for animals in research of psychology. Why animals? Today, animals are being examined and experimented to determine their behavior when an external force is applied to them. This kind of research is popular on the field of psychology and medicine. An example in the medicine field is the determination of the effects of a newly discovered medicine drug. Scientists observe the effect of the drug by applying it to an animal. Another animal research used in medicine or science is Dolly. Scientist tests whether they can clone an animal and also, further studied if Dolly is identical to the original sheep. In psychology, animals are being examined to determine their behavior when something in their environment changed. They examine the behavior of an animal to understand complex behavior of man. In this way, psychologist can gain basic knowledge on the learning processes and motivational systems, such as hunger, thirst, and reproduction. Animal research has provided critical information about the sensory processes of vision, taste, hearing, and pain perception. But for all the living organisms, why is animal used in research in psychology instead of plants or humans? This question will try to be answered as the discussion will flow. Until now, the debate between the animal conservatives and the psychologist is still on going. The former contradicts to the latter in a way that why are animals used in many research just to discover and understand the behavior of man and why not human be the focus on research? The main reason why animals are preferred to be examined than human is the ethical issues concerning on the rights of every all people living in this world that is- the right to chose what kind of life they want. But how about on the side of animals? Do they have no right to have normal life? This is the main argument of the psychologists and animal protectors. According to recent studies, animal research had brought many finding and basic knowledge about the behavior of man (â€Å"Why animal experimentation persists,† 2007). As mentioned earlier, animal research had brought and understand deep behavioral principles that links animals to man. It leads to the development of effective methods for promoting learning and self-reliance in a wide variety of populations. Animal research has contributed also to treatment of difficult clinical problems such as controlling self- injurious behavior in autistic children and adults and teaching children who have been tube-fed since birth to eat normally (Association, 2007b). Other significant contributions of animal research in psychology is the knowledge acquired o the effects of psychoactive drugs and environmental toxicants, and other chemicals that are utilized by man (Association, 2007a). This is why animals are use in many research psychologies instead of man because the experiment may change the behavior of a person and this will not permit by the human rights law. Also, if these psychoactive drugs and environmental toxicants are used on human, death may be a result of the experiment. When research on psychology is being discussed, animal as the material in the experiment is always the talk of the town. But there are also some areas where the use of man is more preferred than on animals in studying the human behavior. One example is the human behavior on love. Though animals also feels affection, human are more reliable when love or affection is the focus of the study. This is one of the examples were human research in psychology is more preferred than on the use of animals in the laboratory. Another main reason why there are such studies that needs to be done with the use of animals as their samples. One main reason is the duty to the field of science. Every experiment using a animal must have a relevant purpose or objective to justify the need for an animal to be part of the experiment. One kind of purpose is the increase in knowledge in a specific field. Many psychologists do research on behavioral science to gain more knowledge that will help them in understanding the complex structure of the human behavior. Though the main focus of many psychologists on their research is the human behavior, they used animals because animals and humans have high resemblance in their characteristics, this maybe physical, emotional and behavioral aspect. As mentioned by Darwin in his theory of Evolution, he emphasized that animals’ continuity in evolution is human. When animals are used in research in psychology, which will bring better understanding on the human behavior, the findings will be used to answer many behavioral problems. This is one of the reasons why there are such studies that are being done, to help in solving psychological problems of human. This is because there are people suffering from serious behavioral syndrome. In this way, the findings in research on animals can help to solve the problem mentioned. This will benefit the welfare or health of human as well the animals (Association, 2007b). Benefits vs. Cost When attempting to conduct a research study using animals, it takes many financial resources just to start as well to finish the research. Take for example in the experiment on a mouse. The mouse cost about $200 million. This is just only the animal that will be used in the experiment, the laboratory is another source of cost. When doing research in animals, the laboratory is very special in a way that the instruments that are utilized are different when compared to a normal laboratory. In a rat experiment, the materials and instruments will cost for about $4,500. 00. Though many psychologists and researchers as well as the government allots large funds for a single experiment, the knowledge that is acquired after the experiment will compensate the cost of the experiment. The knowledge that was gain will be used in many applications like in medicine so that to lessen the dependence on medical health program. Also, theses knowledge will be used to understand further human behavior so that to minimize human behavior syndrome. Ethical Issues There are sectors in a society where they protect the welfare of animals. They want to preserve the biological structure of animal. They believe that animals have also rights to live in normal life. But still there are many research studies on animals on psychology. Because of this issue, many psychologists proposed to have ethical standards when one wants to conduct an experiment on animals. These ethical standards will guide anyone who wants to conduct a research study. Violation on the standards would mean fine or punishment. Another way to protect research animals is the creation of law. The most popular law that protects animals on further abuse is the Animal Welfare Act, most recently amended in 1985. This law will protect research animals on mistreatment. In this act also, the instruments that are utilized will be check regularly and if the instruments still follow the standards set by the said law (Association, 2007b). Many safeguards exist to assure that laboratory animals receive humane and ethical treatment. Care and use of animals in research are regulated and monitored by various government agencies. Institutions in which research with animals is conducted have federally mandated review committees (Association, 2007b). One of the most popular animal researches is the Skinner’s rat. Skinner is a well known psychologist ad was faculty in Harvard University. He studied the behavior of a rate so that to understand better the human behavior (BF, 1953). He emphasized that animal research is simpler to conduct than on human because the behavior of animals are simple to understand than of the human. Another advantage of animal research on human research is that the outside factors that can affect the result of the study can be controlled. He said that is you want to examine the sight of a rat; you must first study its behavior in a dark place and compare its behavior in an illuminated place (Ulrich, 2007). The Impact At the start of animal research to further understand human behavior, it received many controversies. One is the issue the right to live in normal life. The sectors that protect the welfare of animals argue that all living organisms must be treated equally and that all have the right to live. They said that mistreating animals is not a humane way. Another impact of animal research is the high cost in conducting the said research. The conservative group argues that instead of using the large amount of money in a non sense research, why not to government programs that will lessen the problem of a given country like the investment on high technology instruments to be used like computers (Kenneth J. Shapiro, 2007). Another question of the conservative groups is; are there any other way except on the use of animals on research to understand human behavior? Today, plants are now being considered to be one of the options when conducting research study. With the use of fast and sophisticated computers, the knowledge can be gained. Conclusion Animal research on psychology had gained many negative feedbacks because of the ethical issue behind. Many conservative groups want to protect the welfare of animals by not allowing animal research to conduct. Still there are many animal researches in the world. This is because psychologist wants to gain knowledge on human behavior. Is animal research in psychology ethical and necessary? Animal research is essential because the result that will be gained after the research compensate the negative feedbacks. Though there are ethical issues surrounding animal research, psychologists are now trying to follow ethical standards when they are conduction experiment. This is to ensure the welfare and humane treatment of the animals being experimented. References: Association, A. P. (2007a). The Importance of Laboratory Animal Research in Psychology: Psychopharmacology [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, Association, A. P. (2007b). Research With Animals in Psychology [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. apa. org/science/animal2.html BF, S. (1953). Beyond Freedom and Dignity: New York. Kenneth J. Shapiro, P. (2007). Animal Models of Human Psychology Critique of Science, Ethics and Policy [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. psyeta. org/animalmodels. html Miller, G. A. (1890). The Principles of Psychology: Harvard University Press. Nielsen, K. (2001). Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living Phyla (2nd edition ed. ): Oxford Univ. Press. Perle, S. (2004). Morality and Ethics: An Introduction. : Butchvarov, Panayot. Schmidt-Nielsen, K.(1997). Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment. (5th edition ed. ): Cambridge Univ. Press. Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Structure of Research: Research Methods Knowledge Base. Ulrich, R. E. (2007). Animal Research in Psychology: An Example of Reinforced Behavior [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. curedisease. com/Perspectives/vol_3_1991/psych. html Why animal experimentation persists [Electronic. (2007). Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. curedisease. com/why_animal_experimentation_persists. pdf.

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