Thursday, December 26, 2019

Twelfth Night - Orsino - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 973 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/07/29 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Twelfth Night Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? In William Shakespeares play, Twelfth Night, Orsino, is a dramatic, moody, love fool that pines away for the stunning Lady Olivia (who wants nothing to do with him) for most of the play but ends up with the beautiful cross-dressing Viola. Orsino is a wealthy bachelor that has the role of power as the Duke of Illyria. He seems lazy and doesnt want to do anything for himself, which, puts emphasis on his class in society. We get our first look at the Duke in the opening scene and its pretty telling, Shakespeare writes: Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Twelfth Night Orsino" essay for you Create order If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken and so die. That strain again;it had a dying fall; O, it came oer my ear like the sweet sound, That breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odor.Enough; no more; Tis not so sweet now as it was before. (2) Orsino commands his musicians to play because the music feeds his desire for love, then interrupts and demands that they stop, saying, Enough; no more / Tis not so sweet as it was before (2). This quote tells us that Orsino is dramatic in his words, powerful, self-absorbed, and a bit moody. Orsino says hes in love with Olivia but theres evidence that he is really not. When he shares his thoughts on when he first saw Olivia, Shakespeare writes, That instant was I turned into a hart; / And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, / Eer since pursue me (2-3). Orsino said he was turned into a hart (a deer) and he was pursued or hunted by his desires, which were like the hounds. Orsino doesnt imagine Olivia in this pursuit as much as he fixates on the pursuit of himself in the fantasy. Notably, there are a lot of personal pronouns spoken, me, my, and I when the Duke speaks. The Duke is more about himself than Olivia. In movie, Shes the Man, Duke Orsino doesnt even appear in the movie until is well under way. The movie is more Viola/Sebastian driven and Duke has very little lines compared to its Shakespeare counterpart. Duke doesnt come across as dramatic and he is still the love fool who pines away for Olivia. He really puts the fool in love fool because Duke gets tongue-tied, hes bumbling and cant speak more than a couple words when Olivia is in the vicinity. Viola Hastings is a girl who plays soccer for the Cornwall College team until her team gets cut. Her twin brother, Sebastian, is enrolled at Illyria but skips out when his band gets a gig in London. Viola then decides that shes going to prove that girls are just as good as boys and decides to join the team at Illyria, as her brother Sebastian so she can beat the Cornwall team. Our first look at Duke in the movie, is when Sebastian/Viola makes her way to the campus of Illyria. Duke is in his dorm room along with his two buddies. They dont take very well to Sebastian and as for first impressions go, Sebastian doesnt make that great of one. Duke is the soccer teams striker and acts as though he is better than Sebastian. Sebastian asks Duke when the soccer tryouts are, and Duke responds, Noon, you play? And gives an incredulous look toward Sebastian. Duke and his buddies make fun of Sebastian. Duke says he is in love with Olivia in this movie, but is he? Here too, shows evidence that he truly may not be. You must delve a little further into the movie. Duke meets Viola at the school carnival when he buys tickets for the kissing booth, that Olivia is working at. Viola relieves Olivia from her shift right before it would be Dukes turn for the kissing. Olivia leaves much to Dukes dismay but is attracted to Viola and becomes a bumbling mess. Later, Duke and Sebastian are at the gym working out, Duke tells Sebastian that he wants to ask Viola out to dinner but when Olivia decides to try to make Sebastian jealous by asking Duke to dinner, Duke once again bumbling and takes Olivia up on her offer. Olivia: So do you have plans tonight? Duke: Im free Duke to Sebastian: Im going out with Oliviaaaa Sabastian: I thought you liked Viola? Duke: Dude, cmon what would you do? If Duke truly was in love with Olivia, why did he enjoy kissing Viola so much? The gym scene really shows how fickle Duke is, going from wanting to ask Viola out for dinner to Olivia asking him out for dinner and he so quickly forgets Viola. In the Shes the Man, Duke seems to be less self-absorbed but more sensitive. There are less mes, Is, and mines. Duke is also there for a little comedic relief. The movie is also very Viola/Sebastian centric. We follow their perspective the entire time and theres very little supporting character story or intervention. In, Twelfth Night, its central story is the Viola/Sebastian, Orsino, Olivia love triangle, we see more perspectives in the changing of the scenes. The cast of supporting characters have their own side stories going on that are just as entertaining as the main story. It makes the play seem so much larger. In conclusion, Shakespeares comedy, Twelfth Night and the light-hearted teen movie Shes the Man, have many lessons to be taken away. Be yourself and love is sometimes tragedy. Cited Works: Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night Or What You Will. McAllister Editions, 2015. Shes the Man. Directed by Andy Fickman, written by Ewan Leslie, Karen McCullah Lutz, and Kirsten Smith, performances by Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum, DreamWorks, 2006. Twelfth Night, or What You Will Shmoop Editorial Team

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Ethics Ethics And The Legal Ramifications Incurred

Analysis of Ethical Questions Related to Fraud Processes In examining the standards of ethics, or lack thereof, in cases of corporate fraud there are key questions to consider. These questions relate to ethics, the fraud triangle, and the legal ramifications incurred. It is important to examine the elements related to these key questions, in order to gain an understanding of the impacts fraud has upon all parties involved. This handbook provides information to gain an understanding of what ethical violations are at play and the impacts upon all involved parties resulting from those violations. Further provided is information regarding ethical issues when an awareness of the fraud is known, and what the reactions should be by the†¦show more content†¦Whether the dishonest act involves fraud against a company, such as employee embezzlement, or fraud on behalf of a company, such as management fraud, the three elements are always present. Figure 1 illustrates the fraud tria ngle comprised of these three elements. Figure 1. Fraud Triangle Perceived Pressure Perceived Opportunity Each fraud perpetrator faces perceived pressure, and most often these pressures involve a financial need, although non-financial pressures, such as the need to report results better than actual performance, frustration with work, or even a challenge to beat the system, do sometimes motivate fraud. Some examples of perceived financial pressures that motivate financial statement fraud are financial losses, failure to meet Wall Street s earnings expectations, or the inability to compete with other companies in the industry (Dunn, 2003). The pressure that applied to what John Rigas experienced in the Adelphia case related to living beyond one’s means, from greed. A fraud perpetrator must also have a perceived opportunity or they will not commit fraud. Even with intense perceived pressures, where there is the belief that fraud is typically caught and punished, and an executive rarely commits fraud. On the other hand, those executives who believe they have the opportunity, to co mmit and successfully conceal fraud, often give in to perceived pressures. Perceived opportunities to commit management fraud include such factors as a

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ballys Total Fitness Essay Example For Students

Bally?s Total Fitness Essay Bally total fitness originated as an average health and tennis club in 1962. Who would have thought they would be where they are today. Like many other major companies sometimes it pays to be in the right place at the right time. Today they are one of the major companies in a 14 billion dollar health club industry. They are the third biggest health care chain behind Curves for women and the YMCA. Currently they have around four million members and 420 facilities. They currently have operations in 29 states including Asia, the Caribbean, and Canada. You may be wondering why you dont see that many Bally Fitness Clubs; the reason for this is because they run the business under 6 different names. The other clubs they own include Bally Total Fitness, Crunch Fitness, Sports Clubs of Canada, Pinnacle Fitness, Bally Sports Clubs, and Gorilla Sports. Bally total fitness currently employs 23,500 staff members, 6,700 group instructors, and 3,500 personal trainers. These numbers are including the clubs they own that are under different names. What many people dont realize is Ballys Sports clubs is only apart of the company. Along with fitness centers they also have their own products. They have an extensive line of exercise equipment ranging from medicine balls to free weights. However it does not end there they also have a full line of supplements including weight management products, performance supplements, and energy enhancers. There exercise equipment is only available for sale online however there supplements can be purchased at super markets and nutrition stores. It is not uncommon today to see companies misstate their earnings. As we know this is an illegal activity that has put companies under such as Enron. This is not something that makes your company look good and is not worth getting caught for. Well Ballys got into the mix in early 2003 when they were forced to restate their earnings for the current period. Their stock price collapsed and needed help in a hurry. They decided to get a new CEO which was a well traveled man known for reviving companies. That man was Paul Toback , he knew something had to be done quickly, so he decided to come up with new advertising efforts in 2004. Those advertisements proved to be extremely successful and they will continue these same types of advertisements in 2005. During this time they have also created strong partnerships with some of the biggest companies in the world. These companies include Gatorade, Kraft, Pepsi, Unilever, and Colgate. Here at Ballys we are trying to attract males and females ages 18-40. We feel that this group of people is the most self conscious and they are interested in getting into shape. However in this direct mail campaign we have decided to target the northeast part of the country. In this region we will advertise heavily in the suburbs in the cities, because this is where we feel we will get the most responses. Along with targeting an audience of 18-40 we would like to offer it to middle class people making a minimum of 35,000 a year. By doing this we hope to get serious inquiries, and not people that come for a month and leave. Ballys Total Fitness is a full service health club offering a wide range of many different amenities such as, aerobics, basketball, boxing, child care, circuit training, dance, elliptical training, free weights, group cycle, kick boxing, martial arts, locker rooms, nutrition program, personal training, physical therapy, plate loaded machines, pool, racquet ball, running track, sauna, snack/juice bar, spa, stair climbers, step aerobics, treadmills, weightless program, women only section, and yoga. There is no other franchise of gyms that offer as many of these services. This is why Ballys Total Fitness has an advantage over its competitors. .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 , .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .postImageUrl , .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 , .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:hover , .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:visited , .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:active { border:0!important; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:active , .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3 .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua93e834a0fdffc11341cf735ab8bdab3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Community Development Essay A few of their competitors are Golds gym, 24 hour Fitness, Sports clubs, and local gyms. Ballys mission statement is to be your total fitness resources by providing quality service and outstanding faculties to help you achieve results YOUR way. They sure do offer many facilities and the part that they say YOUR way, is because there are nay different types of people who join Ballys for different reasons. .

Monday, December 2, 2019

Lanyer Description of Cookham free essay sample

The Description of Cook-ham Lanyers Description of Cooke-ham is the first known printed poem identified as the country house poem, predating the publication of Ben Jonsons â€Å"To Penshurst†. It was adressed to Margaret Clifford, Countess of Cumberband, as a bid for patronage. It describes an idyllic summer Lanyer once spent with Clifford on the estate at Cookham where Lanyer composed poetry to please her patron and the countesss daughter Anne. Manipulating pastoral conventions, Lanyer actually chalenges the masculine values of the country house genre, emblematic of the lords influence and of conservative claims of land control by depicting an edenic locus amoenus where three women live symbiotically without males . Indeed in Cook-ham she praises in panegyric terms her patron and her rightful claim to the land. But by reappropriating pastoral conventions into a new mold – that of the country house poem- Lanyer also justifies female authorship and creativity at a time where women were barely given the possiblity to write at all. We will write a custom essay sample on Lanyer Description of Cookham or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So typically Lanyer seems to establish a tradition and yet she simultaneously subverts it. What is clever about Lanyer is the fact she uses convention  : she writes a very conventional poem to convey unconventional ideas about women. Thus well discuss to what extent we can portray Lanyer as a protofeminist writer : first by creating a representational and poetic female refuge from male-dominated world and discourse and then by questionning gender roles and male dominance through authorship. I. The Cooke-ham garden : both the depiction of a matriarchal autarcic society and an edenic garden where women are empowered and redeemed. Lanyers poem aims at creating a symbolic space for women : that of the garden of Cooke-ham where Lanyer and two other women can find community with one another. In fact, with the use of garden imagery, Lanyer erects a feminine space within literature where women can be freed of male dominance. What is interesting here is the fact that the garden that is supposed to be the domain of the male becomes open for womens creativity and self-assertion both as a physical place and a literary device. Indeed the Cooke-ham description that Lanyer makes is not actually the description of a house even though there are references to it twice in the poem. It is not a description of the typical home of an aristocratic family run by patriarchal values like you can find in Jonnsons poem. Here Lanyer focuses on the vinicity of the house, hence the use of the isotopia of nature and various references to open space. â€Å" The hills† 35 , the swelling banks† 43 , â€Å" the woods† 40 What is rather transgressive is the fact that women here are associated with the outside when traditionnally they are defined by the indoor and private sphere. Which means they are not confined anymore to the cells of their houses. In this symbolic world that Lanyer creates thanks to poetry, women can enjoy full mobility, that is not limited by patriarchal rule. = this is to be seen through the use of verbs of movement such as â€Å" Walks† L21, â€Å"Let me come unto that stately tree†, 53 â€Å"  you walk,81 â€Å"you mount†. 85 The garden of Cooke-ham is actually a symbolic and spatial emancipation of women performed through the medium of art. A) Lanyers matriarchal society What Lanyer depicts here is a small autarcic martriarchal society that is quite reminiscent of the amazons tribe. =gt; They actually live actually on their own : ladies, the queen of the Amazon being the countess referred as â€Å"the mistress of this place. †11 =gt; The garden of Cooke-ham is actually a locus amoenus that offers the possibility for women to live as a community with one another and to become empowered : through education â€Å" Where many a learned book was read and  scanned† which was a priviledge for a few number of scholarly women and writing : â€Å" the muses gave their full consent,3 : women were allowed to write with no opposition whereas at the time writing was regarded as a male prerogative  . =gt;Morever one can note the use of a belligerant lexicon to refer as men : â€Å" Defended Phoebus when he would assail† 64 : the intrusion of men metaphorically refered as the presence of Phoebus, god of the sun into that feminine space is p erceived as a threat. The oaks shade protects the ladies against the assault of the sun. So women are removed from the males world with which they are at war. Besides marriage ( â€Å" dorset now espoused†), 95the intermigling of male and female is seen as some kind of â€Å"fall†. Symbolically rendered by a downward movement corroborated by phrases such as â€Å" lowest†,110 â€Å" cast down† , â€Å" so low† 104 + act of subjection â€Å" use of passive form â€Å" many are placed† 108 + severing of the community bond â€Å" we cannot daily see†. 105 The notion of fall is very important here as Cooke-ham is also depicted as an edenic garden where the redemption of women is made possible. Cooke-ham, an edenic garden and Lanyers plea for womens redemption Indeed Lanyer in the first part of the text plunges us into a prelapsarian world where our 3 Eves remain unfallen, untouched by sin. =gt; this is conveyed by the the key word at the start of the poem is which ‘grace’. Grace is everywhere. The word appears 10 times in the poem. As soon as the second verse : â€Å"Grace from that grace where perfect grace remained† =gt; with the use of a triplet which can be reminiscent of the holy trinity.  gt; Besides place rhymes with grace. So cooke-ham is basically of an edenic garden : * The poem itself reflects this mingling of earthly and heavenly world â€Å" celestial pleasures† 15 //earthly treasures. * This estate is also inhabited by biblical beings: as the Countess climbs uphill to see the vista of English counties, she simultaneously ‘With Moyses’ mounts ‘his holy Hill, / To know his pleasure, and performe his Will’ R eferences to the Christ, to David, to Joseph. The place is endowed with Gods presence which appear to everyone ; â€Å"Of their Creator’s power, which there you saw†77 In all his creatures held a perfect law;And in their beauties did you plain descry His beauty, wisdom, grace, love, majesty† By recreating an edenic garden, Lanyer aims at contesting the unfair subjection of women on earth and to redeem them by debunking Eves fault (hence the 6 occurrences of the word virtue, virtuous). =gt; What is at the core of the poem is the radical retelling of the fall episode by Lanyer. Indeed at the centre of the state as Lanyer repeatedly tells the reader is the â€Å"oake† L54 * this tree is both reminiscent of the parallel biblical world in which cedars of Lebanon abound ( Much like a comely Cedar straight and Tall 132) and of a Palm Tree which would mean ‘faire tree’ is the cross on which redemption was won by the outsretched arms of Christ. And =gt; =gt;Lanyer actually underlines the fact that this is the exact spot where the countess would lead her apostl to ead and discuss ‘holy Writ†84 =gt; so actually thee fruit of the tree in Lanyer’s reinterpretation is shown to be good. Women shouldnt be considered as inferior to men and should be educated. C) Lanyers failure and the denounciation of males exclusive right to ownership Yet one must not neglect the fact that this is an elegiac poem and that Lanyer ends on a sorrow note. The various instances of pathetic fallacy appear to be more than just a way of accounting for the onset of winter, but refers to Lanyers personal grief and sadness. Depiction of a withering nature : â€Å" The flowers Crept in the ground, the grass did weep for woe. 180 » Isotopia of sadness  : dismay, mourful sorrow = reification of nature. Due to the countess departure. «Ã‚  Of your depart, their very leaves did wither,  «Ã‚  194† The main reason for it is because Lanyers attempt to emancipate women fails. Indeed her representational space remains dependant on males will and dominance  : Her sorrow, inspired by her exclusion from a new Eden on the grounds of class as well as, indirectly, gender. For this new exile fr om paradise is not only caused by her own lack of status – =gt; her residence at Cooke-ham was dependent on the presence ff the Countess of Cumberland and her daughter Anne Clifford – = the result of the aristocratic women’s own exclusion from patriarchal society = because women can own a land. Cooke-ham was not, after all, the Countess’s house, but only a temporary lodging. So at the end of the day, they are still the prisoners of mens will. Kind of ineluctable confinement is rendered by the use of chiasmatic parallelism : â€Å" The house received all ornaments to grace it, 19 † V. 18 or zThe house cast off each garment that might grace it† 201 and the notion of rise and fall. â€Å" Rise and fall† â€Å" Rise† 37//† descend† 35 But if Lanyers utopia collapsed in front of the principle of males reality , the power of her poetry shall not be overlooked as it questions the traditional gender boudaries of the Elisabethian society II. Male dominance to the test of female authorship A) Women as a subject of beauty : the questioning of womens objectivity What is also worth analyzing in Lanyers depiction of the Cooke-ham garden is the fact that in the representational world she erects, women are the source of creativity. =gt; Countess eyes are brighter than the sun â€Å"To shade the bright sun from your brighter eyes;† 26 Which means that the countess is more appealing that the symbol of masculinity which traditionnally shed light and animates things. =gt; here natures shift originates from women. Trees with leaves, with fruits, with flowers clad, Embraced each other, Turning themselves to beauteous Canopies, To shade the bright sun from your brighter eyes; Actually the presence of the Countess inspires a creative activity described here as a female act of creation : â€Å"The swelling banks delivered all their pride When such a Phoenix once they had espied. †44 â€Å" The Swelling banks that deliver† suggest the idea of pregnancy and birth imagery issuing from the body of women. In fact the locus amoenus derives from the communal and mutual relationship between elements of nature and the women who live there. So there is in fact a natural reproductive authority of women in that world. Women are both the source of creativity and the creator. This conception is quite trangressive because women at the time were often associated with an object of beauty. They were a being-perceived. They were defined and celebrated through the medium of males eyes and artistic looking. But here in that garden, women become a subject of beauty. They are the deliverer of beauty. And of course, there is a mise en abyme at play in this poem as Lanyer as a poetess herself is the subject of beauty, she is a being-perceiver, she is the one who creates out of a blank page this edenic world and who delivers an object of beauty, that of the poem. So there is definitely a plea for womens right to authorship, to creativity in a world where writing was seen as a male prerogative. B) Womens authorship : The questionning of Mens authority But what is even more fascinating with Lanyer is the fact that she translates authorship into authority. By means of her authorship, by means of the authority that she is endowed with as a writer, Lanyer makes women the guarantor of authority in her Cooke-ham garden. She usurps through the process of writing authority over the man. She rejects the subordinate role of women. She refuses to be a being-perceived. She performs a kind of matriarchal coup detat or at least she offers the possibility to consider a society of women out of the androcentrist perspective. Women can live by themselves. They do not need men to watch after them. This is why I consider that Lanyers work is very political. Beneaththe poetic surface, the very act of writing is trangressive. Because you never write for yourself, you write in order to be read, to reach out for an audience. This poem is not only dedicated to her patron but it calls for the attention of her contemporaries. Writing means that you can publicly voice some ideas through the medium of art. Although your work can be very artistic, very focused on literary conventions such as poetry  : here weve got one of the most conventional type of art  : a countryhouse poem; writing here cannot reduced to the celebration of beauty. , to the mere poetic description of Cooke-Ham. This is actually a way to voice one opinion publicly to stand onto the public stage   and exist politically speaking, as an author, as a woman in mens world. This is very powerful move at a time when women had no say in public affairs, when you were required to be silent and accept their condition with all subjection. As I said previously t to wield the pen was seen as a male prerogative But Lanyer was not silent. She used her pen and her printing press to make her voice heard. AndPoetry by essence is a voice. On the other hand it is also a way to engrave a spot for women in Literature and History. By resorting to poetry – which has long been used as the vector of memory and myth thanks to his memotechnical aspect – Lanyer adresses posterity in terms that were previously restricted to men. The idea of posterity is underlined with this verse â€Å" his last farewell to Cooke-ham here I giue,   When I am dead thy name in this may liue 206 Lanyers homoerotic transgressive use of poetry Through the art of poetry and her authorship, Lanyer transgresses other gender boundaries and take on another male prerogative which womens sexual satisfaction. Indeed this poem disclosed an ambiguous homoerotic relationship between Lanyer and the countess. It can be read as some kind of re-writing of courship poems with the countess being referred as â€Å" the mistress of the place†, in position of social superiority â€Å" The Lady†, and Lanyer being the poet that praises her beauty, her power. Lanyers latent homoerotic love for the countess is of course rendered with the idea of kiss and Lanyers envy for the tree that received it. Besides throughout the poem we sense a will on the part of Lanyer to establish an eroticized and idyllic relationship between the female writer that she is and the adressed reader Clifford and to give the countess sexual pleasure through the medium of poetry. In that sense, Lanyers enterprise is reminiscent of Barthes conception in Le plaisir du texte : according to which Literature is roughly a way of coming by means of words† â€Å"Le texte que vous ecrivez doit me donner la preuve qu’il me desire. Cette preuve existe  : c’est l’ecriture. L’ecriture est ceci  : la science des jouissances du langage† Here the notion of pleasure is everywhere â€Å" pleasure†,(8) â€Å"joys† , â€Å"delight†9 â€Å" joyful†, â€Å" recreations†, â€Å"sweet† 11 =gt; in fact Clifford can experience the pleasurable sensation that the garden ministers to her desires because Lanyer has infused this world, through the device of the pathetic fallacy, with her own capacity for feeling = meaningful rhyme â€Å" delight†/ â€Å" sight† 74 shows that  the delighful sight of the countess that gives Lanyer pleasure is sublimated and transmuted in the process of writing into an act of masturbation. Here Lanyer uses her pen as a penis to stimulate the senses of the countess. This is to be seen through the organic presence of the authors voice : a kind of acoustic sensuality Use of alliterations â€Å"did weepe for woe. â€Å" 180//†The Windes and Water â€Å",181 references to the birds sinsing â€Å" The little Birds in chirping notes did sing,29 refefrence to the pleasing â€Å"sound† pleasing sound  Ã‚ » 41 So basically Lanyer is being transgressive here because she uses her pen as a penis. She is capable of pleasuring the countess by occupying the role of poet-lover that is normally reserved only for those with male bodies. But while literature at the time naturalized men’s poetic vocation by analogizing pen and penis, Lanyer here uses the poem as a dildo. As such she appears to embody the figure of the tribade, † a woman who sexually penetrates other women using her enlarged clitoris or a dildo or how the patriarchal discourse would put it a woman who usurped male sexual and gender roles. We can actually see an actual image of penetration in poem , when Clif- ford allows the features of the landscape—and most saliently the oak tree— to enter her mind by â€Å"placing their former pleasures in [her] heart† to â€Å"pre- serve their love. So the oak is actually described as a kind of masturbatory source of delight. 156 =gt; What is alluring is that the reader with an empathetic identification can also experience the literary climax, the sexual pleasure oroduced by Lanyers poetry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Forestry Jobs, Careers, and Employment

Forestry Jobs, Careers, and Employment According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest employers of forestry personnel are the state and federal governments. However, the government is not the only source for forestry employment. The forest products industry is a very large employer and routinely hires foresters, forestry technicians and forestry workers throughout the United States and Canada. They usually hire foresters to work on company lands or to purchase wood for their mills. There are also forestry consultants. You may get your first start as an employee of a large consulting forestry firm who generally works for anyone needing forestry assistance. They do it all, either for a flat fee or a percentage of the sale of timber. Becoming a Forester A professional forester has a minimum of a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in forestry. This degree has to be earned at an accredited forestry school and is usually a minimum entry-level requirement for becoming either a registered or licensed forester in many states, or to become a Certified Forester by the Society of American Foresters (SAF). Foresters are being trained and hired all over the world. Much of what a forester learns is in addition to formal training (see more on what a forester needs to know). Foresters spend considerable time outdoors the first years of their careers. Typical entry-level responsibilities might include measuring and grading trees, evaluating insect outbreaks, conducting land surveys, working in an urban park, evaluating water quality, fighting wildfires, managing prescribed fires, laying out a road system, planting seedlings, and planning  recreational use of forestlands. Duties of a Forester Many foresters manage forested property or purchase timber from timbered lands. An industrial forester may procure timber from private landowners. Doing this entails contacting local forest owners, quantifying the inventory, and appraising the timbers worth. A forester may have to deal with loggers, aid in road layout, and make sure the work meets landowner requirements. He also must deal with state and federal environmental specifications to qualify for types of cost-share practices or maintain appropriate site quality. Foresters who work for state and federal governments manage public forests and parks and also work with private landowners to protect and manage forest land outside of the public domain. They may also design campgrounds and recreational areas. A consulting forester hangs up his own shingle and privately assists people and organizations that need forestry help (see more on what a forester does). After several years of on-the-ground experience and crew supervision, foresters typically advance to preparing reports, public relations, and managing budgets. Many foresters become top executives in public agencies, conservation organizations, and corporations. Others become consultants offering specific forestry services and skills that they develop as they gain experience and knowledge. The Forestry Technician Generally working under the direction of a professional forester,  forestry technicians  compile data on the characteristics of forest land tracts such as size, content, and condition. These workers travel through  sections of forest to gather basic information such as species and the population of trees, disease and insect damage, tree seedling mortality, and conditions that may cause fire danger.​ A technician normally has completed a two-year degree in forest technology from a  SAF recognized forestry technical school. They generally collect the information used to make forest resource decisions. Technical career advancement and ultimate salary levels are usually less than for foresters, however, technicians often have the opportunity to work more in the field than behind a desk. Forest and Logging Workers The  BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook  defines a forestry worker as less skilled workers who perform a variety of tasks to reforest and conserve timberlands and maintain forest facilities such as roads and campsites. The forest worker is usually the hands-on employee that facilitates first-line maintenance and protecting of the forest. A sample of activities usually performed by a forest or logging worker is listed as follows: Tree planting  and reforestationPrescribed burning and fire fighting Timber stand improvement including  pesticide application Boundary  line maintenance Timber cutting  and loggingPark and trail maintenance Most forestry and logging workers develop their skills through on-the-job training. Instruction comes primarily from experienced workers. Many associations give special training, particularly for workers training to operate large, expensive machinery and equipment. Safety training is a vital part of instruction for all forestry and logging workers. Forestry and logging occupations are physically demanding. Most forestry and logging workers often do work outdoors in all kinds of weather, sometimes in isolated areas. Most logging occupations involve lifting, climbing, and other strenuous activities. Loggers work under unusually hazardous conditions. Falling trees and branches are a constant threat and so are the dangers associated with log handling operations and use of sawing equipment. Over long periods of time, hearing may be impaired by high noise levels of logging and harvesting equipment. Experience, exercise of caution, and use of proper safety measures and equipment - such as hardhats, eye and hearing protection, safety clothing, boots, and  fire shelters  - are extremely important to avoid injury. The Forestry Technician Generally working under the direction of a professional forester, forestry technicians compile data on the characteristics of forest land tracts such as size, content, and condition. These workers travel through sections of forest to gather basic information such as species and the population of trees, disease and insect damage, tree seedling mortality, and conditions that may cause fire danger. A technician normally has completed a two-year degree in forest technology from a SAF recognized forestry technical school . They generally collect the information used to make forest resource decisions. Technical career advancement and ultimate salary levels are usually less than for foresters, however, technicians often have the opportunity to work more in the field than behind a desk. Forest and Logging Workers The BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook defines a forestry worker as less skilled workers who perform a variety of tasks to reforest and conserve timberlands and maintain forest facilities such as roads and campsites. The forest worker is usually the hands-on employee that facilitates first-line maintenance and protecting of the forest. A sample of activities usually performed by a forest or logging worker is listed as follows: Tree planting and reforestationPrescribed burning and fire fightingTimber stand improvement including pesticide application Boundary line maintenance Timber cutting and loggingPark and trail maintenance Most forestry and logging workers develop their skills through on-the-job training. Instruction comes primarily from experienced workers. Many associations give special training, particularly for workers training to operate large, expensive machinery and equipment. Safety training is a vital part of instruction for all forestry and logging workers. Forestry and logging occupations are physically demanding. Most forestry and logging workers often do work outdoors in all kinds of weather, sometimes in isolated areas. Most logging occupations involve lifting, climbing, and other strenuous activities. Loggers work under unusually hazardous conditions. Falling trees and branches are a constant threat and so are the dangers associated with log handling operations and use of sawing equipment. Over long periods of time, hearing may be impaired by high noise levels of logging and harvesting equipment. Experience, exercise of caution, and use of proper safety measures and equipment - such as hardhats, eye and hearing protection, safety clothing, boots, and fire shelters - are extremely important to avoid injury.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Translate the French Expression De Rien

How to Translate the French Expression 'De Rien' The French phrase  de rien  (pronounced deu-r yeh) is one that many students  learn to translate as youre welcome. But this common expression of courtesy actually means something slightly different. Its not considered improper or impolite to use  de rien  when someone thanks you, but there are other words that may be more appropriate. Usage The closest English equivalent to de rien is its nothing, which is not the nicest way to acknowledge gratitude. De rien isnt wrong, exactly, but its not as polite as what native French speakers typically say: je vous en prie you are welcome (literally, I beg of you)je ten prie youre welcome (to a friend)cest moi qui vous remercie (or just cest moi) no, thank you (literally, it is I who thanks you)merci vous / toi thank you (literally, (my) thanks to you)pas de quoi, il ny a pas de quoi (informal) dont mention it (literally, no need, theres is no need)avec plaisir (South of France) my pleasure (literally, with pleasure) Example Merci, jai beaucoup aimà © ce livre. Thank you, I really liked this book​ De rien!   Youre welcome!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Brief outlines for social work portfolio Outline

Brief outlines for social work portfolio - Outline Example This will make learning more effective, easier, and enjoyable. Finally, it helps one to expand his her bandwidth of expertise from which they develop benefits (Honey & Mumford 2006). Spider diagrams are largely used in learning since they assist in creating ideas in a clearly and neatly structured layout. They enable one to think of the main concept and how the concepts are available in numerous parts. They help you to note down information and aggravate ideas. It begins with a central concept and branches out. They help the social workers to view the patients holistically, identify the solutions and needs, and develop a care plan, building affiliations with the family and the patient, among others. Finally, it also enables them to be proactive, confident, flexible, assertive, and to be able to know what to prioritize over the other. A portfolio is considered to be an operational document that is used often all through the student placement and the practice educator so as to review and set out learning results for the placement, to jot down assessments and to evaluate achievement and progress consistent with the progressive assessment principles. This portfolio enables the students to prove that at the end of their placement they are competent to practice skillfully and have attained the principles set forth in the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) at the needed level for the placement carried out. The PCF is an outcome statement that sets forth what a student social worker should understand and know so as to progress. During the assessment, the appropriate level should be demonstrated on the basis of the PCF so as to attain a Pass for the placement done. Supervision meetings are sessions between supervisors and the support staff where performance at work is debated in an organized manner. These meetings take the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Word Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Word Project - Assignment Example I will also learn an instrument with the main preference being a piano as I have always wished to learn to play a piano or guitar. I love volleyball and I will be joining a sports team this summer as one of the activities I will undertake this summer. Other activities I hope to undertake this summer is to take a new exercise and join gym during the preparations or practice sessions for volleyball games. After the day’s activities, when I will not be engrossed in a novel, I would like to watch some latest action movies to unwind and relax after a tough day. I would like to organize an activity with my friends and visit a rocky place, a mountain, or a tourist destination in the vicinity and camp for three days as a means of spending time together and learning from each other. This cannot be possible during class periods and this summer will be appropriate for my friends and me. Towards the end of summer, I would like to get hold of notes and papers on the fall’s classes as a means of organizing myself and familiarizing myself for the classes before hand to avoid frustration and save on time during t he

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Karl Marx Essay Example for Free

Karl Marx Essay Karl Marx who was christened ‘the father of modern communism’ was a well renowned philosopher whose ideologies in the political, economy as well as social perspectives were very significant. To Marx, the issue of inequality in society was a major concern and a central point in his ideologies. He blamed the inequality in society on the economic production. (Healey J 2006). He placed more emphasis on the means of production which simply implied the tools or materials used in order to ensure that goods and services were produced and distributed. To Marx, the means of production could vary depending on the prevailing economic system. In cases of agricultural societies, land would be an important means of production while for the industrial society the machinery and equipment, factories as well as the transportation system were the means of production. Marx further noted that societies were dominated by capitalistic tendencies in spite of them being agricultural or industrial. To him there are two major social classes who are in continued struggle or conflict over the means of production. The two major classes are the bourgeoisie who not only own but also control the factors of production and it is also the ruling class. (Healey J 2006). The other class comprises of the proletariat or the working class. Marx believed that conflicts between the two distinct classes were eminent or rather inevitable. The resultant effect was that the proletariat class would over throw the bourgeoisie and an equitable society would be attained. In the new society exploitation and coercion would be a thing of the past. The new society would be a class less society and inequality would be erased and social change would be attained. Marx presented a conflicting society that was characterised by continued class struggle. (Healey J 2006) Healey in ‘Race, Ethnicity, Gender and class’, noted that Max Weber a German sociologist was a major critic of Marx ideologies. He argued that Marx ideology of inequality in society was a very narrow one. To Weber, the inequality problem in society was complex and not as simple as Marx presented it. He was quite categorical that inequalities in society could not be wholly blamed on economic forces. In this regard he noted the cases where people may belong to the elite class in society but lack wealth attached to it or vice versa. Some people may have the wealth but lack the self esteem. (Healey J, 2006) Marx and Weber agreed on the issue of inequalities in society. Weber expounded on Marx ideologies and he in fact adopted other stratification mechanisms regarding inequalities with ownership and control of factors of production which was similar to Karl Marx’s class ideology. Secondly, he brought about the idea of ‘prestige’ where the amount of honour or self esteem given to people by others was highlighted. To Weber, factors like class, family lineage as well as physical appearance affected the amount of prestige or honour to be placed on people by others. The third stratification according to Weber was power or the ability to influence or control others. A person’s stand in political organisation determined how powerful they were in the society. To Weber, the three groups had similar characteristics in the sense that wealthy, prestigious were likely to be more powerful when compared to the poor people in the society. (Healey J, 2006). Both Marx and Weber agreed that the development of capitalism was as a result of accumulated capital. However, they differed on how the accumulation was ensured. Marx was convinced that ‘owners of the means of production or the ‘bourgeois acquired immense capital through expropriation and exploitation of the working class or the proletariat. On the other hand Weber perceived a society where the accumulation of capital was attributed to the dedication, self denial and hard work of the capitalists. As Etzioni – Halevy in ‘Social change’ noted, Weber viewed ‘social change in society as caused not only by the economic factors but also by values and ideas’ (Etzioni – Halery E). Notably, Weber did not underestimate the role of or importance of economic factors in as far as social change in society was concerned. Some of Weber’s viewpoints earned him no fame as they just blended what Marx had earlier presented. The main distinction pertaining his ideologies was his emphasis on the fact that the ‘advent of modern capitalism could not be wholly blamed on the economic factors’. (Etzioni-Halevy J, 1981). To him, values had a very significant role to play and to this regard had to be considered with the same intensity that was attached to economic factors. Important values cited by Weber included achievement – oriented values which worked to motivate the entrepreneurs to work devotedly while negating from consumption to embrace investment. He perceived a society where entrepreneurs would instead of consuming their profits re-invest to earn more profits. (Etzioni-Halery J, 1981) To Marx, social change would be realised when the two conflicting classes were no more or when the working class overthrew the ruling class over the means of production. Weber rejected this view point on the argument that social change was a complex aspect which was affected by the class groupings as well as the varying or diverse status. (Allan K, 2005) The working class according to Marx earned a living by selling their labour to the owners of the means of production or capitalists. There was an eminent exploitation between the two classes in the society. Marx coined the term ‘pauperization’ to mean the process through which the rich became richer as the poor grew poorer. The exploitation was due to the fact that the wages paid to the working class by the capitalists was not equitable to the work or output they produced. Apart from receiving poor pay, the working class in poor conditions that negatively affected their mental as well as physical well being. (Giddens A and Griffiths, 2006). Weber backed Marx idea that the society was characterised by conflicts for power as well as resources. On how the society was structured Weber negated from Marx ideology that economic factors alone had a role to play in its determination. In contrast he noted that other important aspects like status as well as party had a role in class differences. According to Weber they could emerge from other aspects rather than economic forces. He noted that economic differences could arise from other resources rather than property for instance skills, qualifications or credentials. Taylor G and Spencer S, 2004). Weber argued that capitalism was not necessarily the critical factor triggering alienation and deprivation of the working class. Consequently, elimination of the private ownership would not suffice in resolving the inequality issue in the society. Weber blamed the alienation to ‘the omnipotent structures of the bureaucratic rule’ (Hamilton P, 1991). Weber rejected socialism as a way of resolving the problems associated or linked in capitalism.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Telecommuting :: essays research papers fc

Telecommuting Telecommuting is a very interesting and complex subject. The pros and cons of this concept are numerous and both sides have excellent arguments. In the research I've done I feel I have to argue both sides to maintain a sense of perspective. I had mixed feelings about telecommuting before I started this research and I find that this is something many others have in common with me. The reasons for and against telecommuting can be complex or simple depending on which view point you take. From a manager's view point telecommuting is a very dangerous undertaking that requires a high readiness level on the employee's part. Allowing an employee with a low (R1, or R2) readiness level to telecommute is not likely to result in a positive manner. When an employee has a high readiness level and a definite desire to attempt working in the home, for some reason or another, many factors should be considered. What kind of schedule does the employee feel constitutes telecommuting? Generally speaking, telecommuting is defined as spending at least one day out of a five day work week working in the home. Is one day home enough for the employee? Or, too little? How does the employer decide how many days to allow? Does the employee's job lend itself well to telecommuting? Some jobs, obviously, can't be accomplished using a telecommuting format. Does the employee have a good track record for working unsupervised? This relates back to readiness levels. An employee who isn't performing at a high readiness level should not even be considered as a candidate for telecommuting. All of these questions and many more must be answered on a case by case basis. This particular venture into creative scheduling has its ups and downs as well from an employee's point of view. It can be quite a bed of roses for both employee and employer. A lot of nice smells and pretty sights, but watch out for the thorns. In several studies I reviewed I noticed that the telecommuting population loses many of the basics of the social contacts associated with the office environment. Judging the correct amount of time that an employee should spend working at home in relation to working at the office can have a significant impact on both performance and satisfaction. It's usually hard for someone to completely cut themselves off from their work environment and still perform well. The sense of being out of touch with the others in the work force can be mitigated by the use of e-mail, teleconferencing, and the ever faithful telephone.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is animal research in psychology ethical and necessary? Essay

Animals are living organisms that belong to the Animalia kingdom. These are classified as multicellular, meaning that their biological bodies is composed of many cells that interact to each other to perform biological processes. There are certain characteristics of animals that differ with other living organisms. Cell wall is not present in the cell of an animal unlike on plants. As mentioned earlier, animals are classified as eukaryotic which distinguish them from bacteria and protists. They digest their foods in a digestive system which separate from plants and algae. The body structures of animals of different species are almost the same. If not, they have many in common. The basic unit of life is cell. Cells work depending on their work. There are cells that manage the formation of blood while there are cells that control the formation and development of bones. Cells of the same structure and work will form larger organic system which is called the tissues (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1997). The work of tissue will depend on what kind of cell it was formed. After this stage, the lager stage which is composed of groups of tissues is called organs. Example of an organ is the eye. Eye is the sensory organ for sight. Animals use their eyes to see what is around them. The eye is composed of different cells and tissues. These cells and tissues interact together so that the animal can see the surrounding. And the last stage is called the system. System is composed on interrelated organs. Example of an animal biological system is the digestive system. It is composed of stomach, large and small intestines, esophagus and other organs. The digestive system works as the digester of the food that was eaten by an animal. The digestion process occurs at the digestion chamber which is the stomach. This stomach is composed of tissue muscles and muscle cells (Nielsen, 2001). Research Research is a human activity that is based from scientific method that seeks or wants to discover anything. In making a study or experiment, one must research existing knowledge or newly discovered facts that will aid in the conduct of the study or experiment. In doing a research study or experiment, the first thing to do is to determine the problem that wants to be solved. This is also known as the topic of the study. After this is the formation of the hypothesis. Hypothesis is an intelligent guess. You must test the hypothesis to determine the solution on the problem or the topic. The next thing to do is the gathering of the relevant data. These data will be used to support the discussion part of the research activity. Analysis of the gathered data will show how the data will affect the decision on the acceptance of the hypothesis. And the last part of a research method is the conclusion. In this part, the significance of the hypothesis is determined. This will show if the hypothesis will be accepted or rejected (Trochim, 2006). Psychology Psychology is the study of human behavior that uses interdisciplinary principles like science and mental processes. It is a branch of behavioral science. It deals on studying the behavior of human in social dynamics while incorporating physiological and neurological processes into its conceptions of mental functioning. Psychology tries to explain the complex behavior of the human mind that controls all the action and behavior of a person. All the factors are considered in this area of knowledge like the physical, social, political, and spiritual aspects of human. (Miller, 1890) Ethics Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of human values and customs. In this area of knowledge, the difference between good and bad, right and wrong are being emphasized. Ethical issues are usually encountered on people with profession. Ethical standards are set from different profession. These ethical standards will guide people in conducting and performing their duty. The ethical standards are usually based on right, good and norms. There are different ethical standards for different fields or professions (Perle, 2004). Alarming issue-The conservatives In the advent of the 19th century, technology had been an efficient tool in making the lives of human simpler and easier. Also, there was an obvious trend in the development of technology. Products of the technology today are smaller, faster, lightweight and more efficient compared to other products that were invented before the advancement of technology. In the agriculture sector, genetically modified corns are now popular. The new invented corn has many advantages compared to the traditional corn that is use in many corn plantations. Genetically modified corn has high resistant to pest infestation. Also, higher production is acquired when genetically modified corn is used by a farmer because corn kernel produced by a single corn is higher than on a normal corn. Thus many framers now are using the hybrid corn to increase their profit. Another product of the advancement of technology is Dolly. Dolly is a sheep that was cloned. In the 1990s, cloning was one of the focuses of many scientists. They modify the genetic makeup of a living organism and then cloning the original organism to produce an identical one. And the first living thing to be cloned was a sheep. On the two examples above, many conservative sectors were alarmed on the capability of technology to modify living organism. They said that it is not ethical to produce other living things because only the Creator must do that. Another ethical issue tat concern living organism is the research on animals’ psychology. In this paper, deep analysis will be done to justify why there is a need for animals in research of psychology. Why animals? Today, animals are being examined and experimented to determine their behavior when an external force is applied to them. This kind of research is popular on the field of psychology and medicine. An example in the medicine field is the determination of the effects of a newly discovered medicine drug. Scientists observe the effect of the drug by applying it to an animal. Another animal research used in medicine or science is Dolly. Scientist tests whether they can clone an animal and also, further studied if Dolly is identical to the original sheep. In psychology, animals are being examined to determine their behavior when something in their environment changed. They examine the behavior of an animal to understand complex behavior of man. In this way, psychologist can gain basic knowledge on the learning processes and motivational systems, such as hunger, thirst, and reproduction. Animal research has provided critical information about the sensory processes of vision, taste, hearing, and pain perception. But for all the living organisms, why is animal used in research in psychology instead of plants or humans? This question will try to be answered as the discussion will flow. Until now, the debate between the animal conservatives and the psychologist is still on going. The former contradicts to the latter in a way that why are animals used in many research just to discover and understand the behavior of man and why not human be the focus on research? The main reason why animals are preferred to be examined than human is the ethical issues concerning on the rights of every all people living in this world that is- the right to chose what kind of life they want. But how about on the side of animals? Do they have no right to have normal life? This is the main argument of the psychologists and animal protectors. According to recent studies, animal research had brought many finding and basic knowledge about the behavior of man (â€Å"Why animal experimentation persists,† 2007). As mentioned earlier, animal research had brought and understand deep behavioral principles that links animals to man. It leads to the development of effective methods for promoting learning and self-reliance in a wide variety of populations. Animal research has contributed also to treatment of difficult clinical problems such as controlling self- injurious behavior in autistic children and adults and teaching children who have been tube-fed since birth to eat normally (Association, 2007b). Other significant contributions of animal research in psychology is the knowledge acquired o the effects of psychoactive drugs and environmental toxicants, and other chemicals that are utilized by man (Association, 2007a). This is why animals are use in many research psychologies instead of man because the experiment may change the behavior of a person and this will not permit by the human rights law. Also, if these psychoactive drugs and environmental toxicants are used on human, death may be a result of the experiment. When research on psychology is being discussed, animal as the material in the experiment is always the talk of the town. But there are also some areas where the use of man is more preferred than on animals in studying the human behavior. One example is the human behavior on love. Though animals also feels affection, human are more reliable when love or affection is the focus of the study. This is one of the examples were human research in psychology is more preferred than on the use of animals in the laboratory. Another main reason why there are such studies that needs to be done with the use of animals as their samples. One main reason is the duty to the field of science. Every experiment using a animal must have a relevant purpose or objective to justify the need for an animal to be part of the experiment. One kind of purpose is the increase in knowledge in a specific field. Many psychologists do research on behavioral science to gain more knowledge that will help them in understanding the complex structure of the human behavior. Though the main focus of many psychologists on their research is the human behavior, they used animals because animals and humans have high resemblance in their characteristics, this maybe physical, emotional and behavioral aspect. As mentioned by Darwin in his theory of Evolution, he emphasized that animals’ continuity in evolution is human. When animals are used in research in psychology, which will bring better understanding on the human behavior, the findings will be used to answer many behavioral problems. This is one of the reasons why there are such studies that are being done, to help in solving psychological problems of human. This is because there are people suffering from serious behavioral syndrome. In this way, the findings in research on animals can help to solve the problem mentioned. This will benefit the welfare or health of human as well the animals (Association, 2007b). Benefits vs. Cost When attempting to conduct a research study using animals, it takes many financial resources just to start as well to finish the research. Take for example in the experiment on a mouse. The mouse cost about $200 million. This is just only the animal that will be used in the experiment, the laboratory is another source of cost. When doing research in animals, the laboratory is very special in a way that the instruments that are utilized are different when compared to a normal laboratory. In a rat experiment, the materials and instruments will cost for about $4,500. 00. Though many psychologists and researchers as well as the government allots large funds for a single experiment, the knowledge that is acquired after the experiment will compensate the cost of the experiment. The knowledge that was gain will be used in many applications like in medicine so that to lessen the dependence on medical health program. Also, theses knowledge will be used to understand further human behavior so that to minimize human behavior syndrome. Ethical Issues There are sectors in a society where they protect the welfare of animals. They want to preserve the biological structure of animal. They believe that animals have also rights to live in normal life. But still there are many research studies on animals on psychology. Because of this issue, many psychologists proposed to have ethical standards when one wants to conduct an experiment on animals. These ethical standards will guide anyone who wants to conduct a research study. Violation on the standards would mean fine or punishment. Another way to protect research animals is the creation of law. The most popular law that protects animals on further abuse is the Animal Welfare Act, most recently amended in 1985. This law will protect research animals on mistreatment. In this act also, the instruments that are utilized will be check regularly and if the instruments still follow the standards set by the said law (Association, 2007b). Many safeguards exist to assure that laboratory animals receive humane and ethical treatment. Care and use of animals in research are regulated and monitored by various government agencies. Institutions in which research with animals is conducted have federally mandated review committees (Association, 2007b). One of the most popular animal researches is the Skinner’s rat. Skinner is a well known psychologist ad was faculty in Harvard University. He studied the behavior of a rate so that to understand better the human behavior (BF, 1953). He emphasized that animal research is simpler to conduct than on human because the behavior of animals are simple to understand than of the human. Another advantage of animal research on human research is that the outside factors that can affect the result of the study can be controlled. He said that is you want to examine the sight of a rat; you must first study its behavior in a dark place and compare its behavior in an illuminated place (Ulrich, 2007). The Impact At the start of animal research to further understand human behavior, it received many controversies. One is the issue the right to live in normal life. The sectors that protect the welfare of animals argue that all living organisms must be treated equally and that all have the right to live. They said that mistreating animals is not a humane way. Another impact of animal research is the high cost in conducting the said research. The conservative group argues that instead of using the large amount of money in a non sense research, why not to government programs that will lessen the problem of a given country like the investment on high technology instruments to be used like computers (Kenneth J. Shapiro, 2007). Another question of the conservative groups is; are there any other way except on the use of animals on research to understand human behavior? Today, plants are now being considered to be one of the options when conducting research study. With the use of fast and sophisticated computers, the knowledge can be gained. Conclusion Animal research on psychology had gained many negative feedbacks because of the ethical issue behind. Many conservative groups want to protect the welfare of animals by not allowing animal research to conduct. Still there are many animal researches in the world. This is because psychologist wants to gain knowledge on human behavior. Is animal research in psychology ethical and necessary? Animal research is essential because the result that will be gained after the research compensate the negative feedbacks. Though there are ethical issues surrounding animal research, psychologists are now trying to follow ethical standards when they are conduction experiment. This is to ensure the welfare and humane treatment of the animals being experimented. References: Association, A. P. (2007a). The Importance of Laboratory Animal Research in Psychology: Psychopharmacology [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, Association, A. P. (2007b). Research With Animals in Psychology [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. apa. org/science/animal2.html BF, S. (1953). Beyond Freedom and Dignity: New York. Kenneth J. Shapiro, P. (2007). Animal Models of Human Psychology Critique of Science, Ethics and Policy [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. psyeta. org/animalmodels. html Miller, G. A. (1890). The Principles of Psychology: Harvard University Press. Nielsen, K. (2001). Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living Phyla (2nd edition ed. ): Oxford Univ. Press. Perle, S. (2004). Morality and Ethics: An Introduction. : Butchvarov, Panayot. Schmidt-Nielsen, K.(1997). Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment. (5th edition ed. ): Cambridge Univ. Press. Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Structure of Research: Research Methods Knowledge Base. Ulrich, R. E. (2007). Animal Research in Psychology: An Example of Reinforced Behavior [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. curedisease. com/Perspectives/vol_3_1991/psych. html Why animal experimentation persists [Electronic. (2007). Version]. Retrieved October 25, 2007, from http://www. curedisease. com/why_animal_experimentation_persists. pdf.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Midsummer Night’s Dream- A Shakespearean Comedy Essay

Desperate lovers, mischievous fairies, bad actors, and a flower which causes love upon first sight-these are just some of the components that add to the comedic flavour of Shakespeare’s work _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_. The main elements of a classic Shakespearean comedy are clearly portrayed in this play. An identity mix-up of Lysander and Demetrius, continuous references to music and dance to signify happy events and finally a happy ending all help to prove that _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ is indeed a comedy. The plot of a Shakespearean comedy often includes a mix up of identity. In _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and rubs the love potion on his eyes. As a result, Lysander stops loving Hermia and instead falls in love with Helena. When Puck and Oberon find Lysander wooing Helena, Puck realizes his mistake and admits to Oberon, â€Å"This is the woman, but not the man.† (3.2.42). Puck’s mistake helps to develop the plot as well as bring out several comedic situations throughout the play, such as the quarrel between Hermia and Helena. This mistaken identity helps to make this Shakespearean work a comedy. Although Shakespearean plays often have tragic endings, his comedies end on optimistic notes, which are often signified through several marriages. _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ ends with the grand marriages of Duke Theseus and the lovers Hermia and Lysander as well as Helena and Demetrius. Upon finding the lovers in the forest, Theseus decides to ignore Egeus’s will, â€Å"Egeus I will overbear your will† (4.1.177). and chooses to marry the lovers. He declares, â€Å"For in the temple, by and by, with us / These couples shall eternally be knit† (4.1.178-180). The lovers are elated and everyone at the court watches the mechanicals’ hilarious performance of â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† as a way to happily wait for their nuptial hour. This happy ending helps to keep the comedic air alive in the play. Throughout the play, several references are made to reveling through dance and song as a way to signify and bless happy events. This is shown when Titania asks Oberon to join her in blessing the marriage of Theseus and  Hippolyta. She asks, â€Å"If you will patiently dance in our round, / And see our moonlight revels, go with us.† (2.1.140-141). Through this quote, Titania refers to dance as a way to bring happiness to the marriage of the Royals. The dance and song throughout the play lighten the mood of the play, helping it become a comedy. The mistaken identities of Lysander and Demetrius, the reveling through dance and song, and the happy ending, which is symbolized through several marriages help prove that _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ is indeed a comedy. The inclusions of these basic elements make a comical and entertaining play for all audiences to enjoy. WORKS CITED Gill Roma, ed. _A Midsummer Night’s Dream._ Great Clarendon Street, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2005. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM: ESSAY PREPARED BY: RISHITA APSANI PREPARED FOR: MR.LANDRY DATE: 12/13/2007 Rishita Apsani English

Friday, November 8, 2019

Willow Tree and Olive essays

Willow Tree and Olive essays Willow Tree and Olive, by Irini Savvides, is about a girl named Olive Alexandropoulos. She is in year 12 and enjoying it with her friend Kerry. Everything looks okay in her life from afar. But when you get into Olive's head, you start to realise that nothing is okay. Olive is Greek, but at times she wishes that she wasn't. She regularly feels uncomfortable in a room with other Greeks, but no-ones notices. Unfortunately she had problem that she couldn't tell anyone. She went to the school counselor and confided in him that she couldn't stop eating, she hated her body and she thought that she was ugly. This continued until she had a regression one day. The regression happened after a lecturer came to her school and spoke about raping and sexual abuse. It is about then that the whole story comes out that when Olive was a little girl, about 5 years old, she was raped and sexually abused by an old man from her village and because of that feels unsafe and insecure. The story goes on about how she realises that it's not her fault at all, and as part of the healing process she is sent to Greece to stay with some relatives. She loves this time away and finally recovers from the trauma that has been tormenting her for most of her life. Not only that but she realizes what a beautiful place Greece is and is no longer ashamed of her country and background. I loved this story. It is excellently written with feelings and thought of every word. I think that this book is aimed at an audience of thirteen years and older, particularly females. It was an excellent book, have recommended it to my mum who also really enjoyed it and I would recommend it to everyone who has not already read it. The original idea came from wanting to write a story about survival in emotionally difficult circumstances and also wanting to explore my own dual culture . . . I wanted to show the strength of young adults when faced with great odds . . . I wanted ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Timeline of American History from 1871 to 1875

Timeline of American History from 1871 to 1875 1871 President Ulysses S. Grant creates the Civil Service Commission.The Indian Appropriation Act of 1871 is passed. Tribes will no longer be seen as independent but as wards of the State.The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 is passed. This act allows the president to send in troops to enforce the 14th amendment.The Treaty of Washington between the United States and Great Britain is ratified. This treaty allows for a commission to settle fishing and boundary disputes between the two countries.  The New York Times writes investigated articles about William Boss Tweed that reveal the level of corruption in New York City. He is eventually brought to trial.Brigham Young is arrested for polygamy.The Chicago fire leads to the destruction of most of the city. 1872 Yellowstone Park is created as a public preserve.The Freedmans Bureau set up during Reconstruction is effectively ended.The Credit Mobilier Scandal takes occurs. In the scandal, key government officials created a company called of the same name that awarded itself construction contracts to build the railways.  Ulysses S. Grant wins a second term by a landslide.William Boss Tweed is convicted of all counts and sentenced to twelve years in prison. He dies while in prison. 1873 The Coinage Act of 1873 is passed. This act removes silver from the coinage in order to more forcefully advocate for the gold standard.Oakes Ames, the man responsible for the Credit Mobilier Scandal is found guilty of bribery. However, he ends up only get censured.The Salary Grab Act is passed. This act provides for increases in salaries for the congress, the supreme court, and the president by 50% and also is retroactive for the previous two years. The uproar is so great that Congress eventually rescinds the raises for themselves but keeps them in place for the supreme court and president.The Panic of 1873 starts a five-year depression, during this time over 10,000 businesses will fail. The stock exchange closes for ten days. 1874 Morrison R. Waite is named the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.Former President Millard Fillmore dies at the age of 74.The Chautauqua movement begins when Lewis Miller and John H. Vincent start a summer training of Sunday school teachers. It will eventually broaden to include many subjects.For the first time since the beginning of the Civil War, the Democratic Party regains control of the House of Representatives.The Womens Christian Temperance Union is formed when individuals from seventeen states meet in Cleveland, Ohio. 1875 The Specie Resumption Act passes Congress. It allows for legal tender to be exchanged for gold. The act also reduces the number of greenbacks in circulation.The US makes a treaty with Hawaii allowing the import of goods to be duty-free. It also asserts that no other power can take over Hawaii.The Civil Rights Act is passed, which states that no one can be denied equal access to public facilities.The Whiskey Ring Scandal occurs. In this scandal, it is shown that officials have been skimming millions from the distilleries. The leader, John McDonald, is a friend of President Grants. In addition, Grants personal secretary, Orville Babcock is involved.  Former President Andrew Johnson dies at the age of 66.The Molly Maguires, an Irish miners group, is broken up after their leadership is convicted of murder for its harsh tactics in Pennsylvania. However, their efforts did bring to light the terrible conditions of the miners and eventually led to improvements.The Second Sioux War begins a nd lasts through the fall and winter. By the following summer, they will have been defeated through the efforts of the US military.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Interpretation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interpretation Paper - Essay Example Instead, he suggest that why wouldn’t people appreciate that they can as well handle the matter by themselves through reconciliation. Paul reminds the Corinthians that they would have power to judge the angels and as such, it is ridiculous that they would subject themselves to other men, who do not believe in their faith, in the form of judges, to handle their cases. It is not like Paul does not appreciate the role of the judges, but rather, he confronts the weakness within the church, to the extent to which non among them would be able to stand for the rest to provide counsel. The intension of the author was to inculcate the spirit of reconciliation among the believers in the Corinth. This was ultimately to appreciate the spirit of forgiveness among the believers, and never to expose their differences to the non-believers. Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust and not before the saint? (1st Corinthians , 6:1).1 Literally, Paul is putting the role of the jury in question based on the faith they harbor. Though the question seem to be directed to the believers in Corinth, the fairness of the courts in handling the Christians cases is put to question. Sucintly, Christians are challenged to appreciate that there is no fairness in courts that would match forgiveness in Christ. The answer to Paul’s question is no! In faith every Christian should forgive others and never to seek revenge. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? No not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? (1st Corinthians, 6:2) At this instance, Paul presents a case which contradicts traditional understanding of Christianity. First, there would not be any need to judge since judgment is left to God alone. But the answer is yes! There are wise men among the Christians who are able to provide counsel but not to judge them. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit

Friday, November 1, 2019

Phase 2 Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Phase 2 Discussion Board - Assignment Example Those that deal with the maintenance of motor engines such as retail shops cannot be considered part of the automotive industry. Since the development and upgrade of motor engines started from as long as 1890s, significant development and changes in the past years. For instance, the production of motor engines for use has greatly increased since today, the world population has grown and there is the growing need by consumers to have vehicles. With the upgrade of vehicles, there have been developments that have been mainly concentrated on the safety side of the vehicles (Weygandt, Kieso & Kimmel, 2010).   They have been ranked stricter on follow-ups than ever before, ranging from weight to security and to resilience, when it comes to today’s vehicles. This has come with the cost of new materials that have brought out new and advanced techniques for the construction and designing of vehicles. Before there was the knowledge that plastic could make vehicles, the sole material us ed at the time was metal. With the introduction of plastics, there has been advancement in the technology used for making newer vehicles. With the new technologies, manufactures have been able to answer to rising demands for advancements. Plastics have the ability to make vehicles to appear wonderful and attracting. Again with the introduction of plastic in vehicles, it has been known that they use current technology to make enhance vehicles. Another new development has been the introduction of new spark plugs that have been noted to endure more miles than those currently present. With the introduction of the new spark plugs, there have been concerns on the usage and cost of the spark plugs. From the design, development, manufacture, marketing and selling of the plug, there are concerns about how to design a more reliable method of choosing between the Job Order Cost System and the ‘Process Costing System’ (Crosson & Needles, 2011).   Compare and contrast between the Job Order Cost System and the Process Costing System. The Job Order Cost System is a system that is used when products are made with the basis on specific customer orders. With this system, every product that is manufactured is considered as a job, thus costs are made depending on the number of jobs done. With the production of these products, another thing that is considered is the services. Services rendered are also considered as a job and count in the overall costs. The system is designed to take into account and track by job the costs which are incurred while producing each job (Warren, Reeve & Duchac, 2012).  This includes materials used, labor, and overhead that are present in the environment where the manufacture is taking place. When it comes to the process of ‘job order costing system’, ‘the record keeping’ and ‘cost assignment problems’ are complex in the system particularly when a company sells many different products and services compared to when it only has a single product or service. With the different products, the costs become different. Again, cost records must be maintained for each specific product or job. In order to track data for the jobs produced, there are certain documents that are used namely; 1. Job cost sheet: This is a document that is applied to track the total job cost summary detailing from the job number, job and client data and cost that involves materials,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Khalifa tower in dubai Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Khalifa tower in dubai - Research Paper Example Located in the heart of Dubai, this building is considered one of the tallest structures in the world. (Lego Architecture, 2010) Emaar Properties PJSC was the chief promoter of this grand structure while the architects were Skidmore, Owings & Merill LLP (SOM), a company based in Chicago. (Lego Architecture, 2010) The two persons at the helm of this design were Adrian Smith and Bill Baker who were the architect and chief structural engineer respectively. The task of building the world’s tallest structure was entrusted to Owings & Merill because of their vast experience in creating such huge if not similar structures like the Seara Tower and the John Hancock Center. (Lego Architecture, 2010) Around 90 designers and engineers worked in close synergy to create this monumental piece which marvelled not only in size but also reflected the cultural and religious sentiment of the region. The Burj Khalifa at 828 metres infused a mix of modern 21st century architecture while still retaining the finer symbolic aspects of traditional Islamic architecture. Classified as a Supertall skyscraper, reflective glazing aluminium and textured stainless steel was used significantly while the construction was carried out using reinforced concrete and steel. The project began in 2004 and was completed by 2010. (Lego Architecture, 2010) There were more than 160 stories in this meteoric building with the floor area measured at 5.67 million square feet. The tower was inaugurated by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and also the ruler of Dubai. (Lego Architecture, 2010) Owings and Merill LLP were shortlisted from among a team of five international competitors to work on the Burj Khalifa. To their credit the Haj Terminal at Jeddah Airport and the National Commercial bank were works that were created by Owings and Merill and which had a significant presence of Islamic architecture in its style. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Self Reference Criterion And Subculture Groups Cultural Studies Essay

Self Reference Criterion And Subculture Groups Cultural Studies Essay One of the keys to success mentioned Cateora (2001) to achieve a successful international marketing is to adapt to environmental differences between a market and another. (Cateora, 2001). He defines the self-reference criterion (SRC) as a reference unaware of our own cultural values, experiences and knowledge as the basis for our decisions. The SRC hampers the ability to assess a foreign market in its true dimension. The self-reference criterion (SRC) is especially operating in the customs business. If you do not understand the customs of our foreign counterparts, are more likely to assessment behavior of these people in terms of what is acceptable to us. It is important to note that one of the most important strategies for success in international negotiations is to consider cross-cultural analysis in such a way as to isolate the influences of benchmark employment or self-reference criterion when making decisions, since it is essential to understand culture of the foreign market in order to avoid cultural shock and errors when you start a negotiation on the basis of adaptation to the environment in which it operates, and, moreover ethnocentrism which limits our ability to accept cultural differences and therefore reduces the opportunity to develop effective international marketing programs. In conclusion, when formulating and developing an international marketing program must consider the possible occurrence of these barriers as determinants of decision making. To avoid disappointment for entering and remaining in foreign markets, it is important to have respect for cultural differences in each of the markets of different countries and it is really important to know the history, traditions and trends of potential markets for generate a truly global conscience and implement strategies with ethical trend in each of them. The key to adapting is to maintain ones culture but to develop a  ¬ entendimien and a willingness to accommodate the differences. A successful marketing professional knows that China is important to give opinions without overwhelming arguments, criticism, even when requested, may cause the host lose face. In Germany it is considered impolite to use first names unless one is specifically invited to do so, you should always address a person as Herr (Mr), Frau (Mrs.) or Fraulein (Miss) with your name. In Brazil should not be offended by the propensity to touch the person with whom he converses. This custom is not a violation of personal space but the Brazilian form of greeting or emphasize one aspect to or gesture of goodwill and friendship. For the employer you want to export as the international marketer and specialist in international trade must have a type of vision to observe and detect the different elements that may be important in the development of its function. These views consist of: The vision of company, which is to take into account the capacities, objectives and interests of the company. The national vision that involves taking into account the positioning, the possibilities and trade agreements and government and private support of the country of the offered. The vision for the country of the target market is to take into account the realities, barriers of values, culture, norms and customs of trade and business of the country that addresses the export effort. The overall vision is to consider the general situation and sectoral trends, technology and international marketing in addition to the regionalization and globalization processes of international norms established by entities such as the OMG and the ICC Adjusted for differences requires putting aside our own cultural values. James E. Lee proposed that the natural self-reference criterion the unconscious reference to our cultural values is the root of most international business problems. However, recognize and admit this, it is often quite difficult. (Negocios Internacionales, Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen, Michael H. Moffett, 7th Edition, Pag 60) By ignoring important cultural aspects, it can fall into the self-reference criterion, for example the unconscious reference to cultural values. Thus, it has been the cause of countless problems in international business and more, when it came to high-context. Avoid ethnocentrism as well, which is to consider their own culture as superiors to others (Czincota and Ronkainen, 1996)   There are many dangers of the self reference criterion: Failure to explore the need to take precautions Do not measure the differences between the cultures of different countries. Having an offensive answer with the host response The steps for Cross Cultura Analisys: To clarify the problem of home business To clarify the problem of the foreign Separate the SRC, examining in detail a complicated problem Determine the problem without the SRC The progress of a global awareness Different cultures must be tolerated To know and accept different cultures, making working with others whose culture is different. Have a knowledge of different global cultures, such as history, social and political problems. Focus on global awareness Selecting managers with global knowledge Having relationships with people who are from other countries or nationalities Cultural diversity within the company executives Acoording to Usunier and Lee J. in the book Marketing across Cultures, Perceive the French about other cultures are: The Germans: Pretentious and offhand. Fashionable, womanizing, frivolous, fickle, well-mannered, resourceful. The British: Nationalistic, chauvinistic, intransigent, centralist, dependent on the state, polite but not open minded, humourless, short tempered. The Americans: Chauvinistic, well mannered, combination of good food and good conversation, curious about foreing people, pretentious, talkative, pleasant, intelligent. ETHNOCENTRISM Properties of ethnocentrism may include the following tendencies: (1) to distinguish different groups; (2) to perceive events in terms of their own group interests (economic, political and social); (3) to see one group as the center of the universe and consider your lifestyle superior to all others; (4) to distrust other groups and negligible; (5) to see one group as superior, strong and honest;   The phenomenon of ethnocentrism is a danger to global marketing. Ethnocentrism is not to buy a foreign product not because it more expensive or lower quality, but the fact of being ones own country. People affected by this fact tend to think that the product of your country is always better. Immoral even consider buying things from abroad. It is curious that in other countries, like Spain, the opposite happens: if a foreign product looks better. An Italian designer suit seems more elegant than a national costume. The effects of ethnocentrism on the process of marketing and sales can sales practices to coexist rational and irrational due to marketing consumer ethnocentricity (Walle, 1986). The central role of personal provide satisfaction and customer service quality may be adversely affected by wider influence of marketing in the development and communication of identity corporate (Thomas and Hill, 1999). Likewise, ethnocentrism can also affect negatively to the transfer of technology from countries with economies of third world developed nations, due to the ethnocentric and stereotyped behavior on the part of developed economy, this is particularly true in technology transfer social, for example, in the area of organizational development (Bourgeois and Boltvinik, 1981). Consumer ethnocentrism is related to the country effect origin, either as an independent concept (Herchen, 1992), or considering it, from academic point of view, a further element of the concept of country of origin on the explains how the patriotic feelings affect attitudes toward products and purchase intentions (Han, 1988; Hadjimarcou, Hu and Bruning, 1993, Good and Huddleston, 1995; Huddleston, Good and Stoel, 2001)   SUB CULTURAL GROUPS Internationalization Strategies Ethnocentrism: Oriented to the country of origin. The company has focused its sales targets in the local market will eventually be sold in other markets only if you experience any order. Consider export as a sideline, giving priority to domestic operations. There is no change in the commercial mixture. Polycentric: Oriented to the country of destination Each country is considered as an independent reality, planning and marketing strategies are defined according to the needs of this market .- The distribution is done with equipment sales channels and target market .- Participate in the national market but in a disorganized and unplanned .- Usual medium enterprises or those with some experience in foreign markets .- It is expensive to establish the structure and oil business management, emerging problems of coordination and Control. Region Centric: Oriented to the region, is establishing a strategic plan for the entire region. A regional sales target, market coverage program is organized and planned sales. Geocentric: global orientation. SUBCULTURE The subculture is a distinct group within a culture. Its members can meet for various reasons, such as age, ethnicity, sexual identity, musical tastes or aesthetics, among others. It is usual that the subculture defines itself in opposition to the dominant culture. There are times; however, that such opposition is not radical. The members of a subculture often share a similar appearance that identifies them as a particular hairstyle (the ridge in the case of the punks) or the color of the clothes (black for Goths or emos). Within a subculture usually speak a particular dialect or uncommon terms used in other groups. The emergence of a subculture is established by the existence of shared symbols. This distinguishes the simple groups of people who meet common tastes of subcultures. In the mentioned case of the goth subculture, its members appeal to the black clothes and white makeup to convey their skepticism and lack of hope for the development of mankind Cultural subgroup is the denomination to define those groups of individuals who share common goals and ways of representation communes. Sub cultural analysis to segment the market to reach the needs, motivations, perceptions and attitudes that are shared by members of a particular subculture group. A subculture is a distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable area within a larger and more complex society. Its members have beliefs, values and customs that set them apart from other members of the same society. The main sub-cultural categories are: nationality, race, religion, geographic location, age, sex and education. EXAMPLES OF SUBCULTURES EMO The origin of the word emo itself is confusing, most people associate it with the word emotional from the 90s. More recently, the word emo was seen as a contraction of emotional hardcore or emocore, which were popular designations music genre. The term emo has also been used in recent years on the Internet by different field, especially to those who seem emotionally unstable. Others use the term emo to describe a feeling of depression. In English the term emo is also used as an abbreviation for the word emotive meaning affective or emotional. Floggers Flogger is known as a trendy teenager from Argentina, which is closely related to, a website where you upload photos and where users can comment on them. It has become very popular among young people, to become almost a habit or lifestyle. Flogger The word comes from flog, short for Fotolog. The popularity of a photoblog is based on the number of signatures (comments) daily photos and their friends / favorites. The photos uploaded in their respective fotologs often self-portraits. GOTHIC This is a movement in several countries. It started in the UK between the late 70s and mid 80s in the gothic rock scene, a derivation of the Post-Punk. His aesthetic and cultural inclinations come mainly from the influences of horror literature, horror films, and to a lesser extent, the BDSM culture. The goth subculture shared aesthetic tastes, musical and cultural common ground. Although Gothic music encompasses several sub-genres and styles, all share a tendency to look and sound dark or dark. Styles of dress within the subculture, taking influences from death rock, punk, androgynous style, and even the Renaissance style of dress, but goths are aesthetics, which focuses on black. Gothic THE PUNK This is born in the UK since the early 70s where a stream of young people in Britain and other industrialized countries felt that the rock had gone from being a means of expression for young people, to a mere marketing tool and showcase to the grandeur of the musicians of the time, pushing the music of ordinary people. Punk emerged as a mockery to the rigidity of the conventions that concealed forms of social oppression. Philosophy punk can be summarized as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Do it yourself, have it your way. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rejecting the dogma and not to seek a single truth. challenge and contradict everything à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Do not operate according to the fashion and media manipulation in addition to being against consumerism. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Think for yourself. Skinheads The skinheads are skinheads or groups considered to be Nazis. They advocate the ideology of German leader Adolf Hitler and say they want to rid society of what they call scum, although this will have recourse to violent methods they know as clean-up squads. The Rastafarian These comes from Jamaica, is linked to the liberation of black people, looking for the earthly paradise in this case would ethiopia, so their characteristic colors, green, yellow and red, the rasta culrtura more than a movement is a religion provided when carrying off the bottom of the letter, not consuming meat, and based on pure marijuana consumption, on the grounds that the Bible mentions that God has created all the plants for use by men, also stops at state of flight to achieve a better meditation. SEGMENTATION AND SUBCULTURES Culture is defined largely consumer behavior of a given society. However, within a culture more homogeneous subgroups coexist with a common customs and values. Distinguish consumers in each subculture facilitates the positioning of brands and products aimed at a culture. Segmentation in subcultures is based on a socio-cultural and demographic factors were clearly identifiable. Marketers must be aware of how sub-cultural influences interact, not just segmented by a unique subculture. The classification of subcultures is usually done on the basis of national origin, age, religion, sex and lifestyle. However, this type of segmentation is valid provided that belonged to one of these subgroups involving behavioral patterns and identifiable characteristics, since the fact of being black or white, yuppie or a housewife, may not be a factor significant for the purchase of certain products. If subculture is identified as the group of adolescents between 14 and 18, is because they have a different behavior than for people between 25 and 32, for example. In Spain, the development of advertising campaigns are often differentiated mainly by age, gender and lifestyle, rather than racial influences, for although the number of immigrants is increasing, especially from the early 90s, a group is not so ingrained as, for instance, Hispanics or African American. The choice of conditioning (shape, appearance, color) cannot ignore the symbolic meanings associated with the cultural environment. An example: Nestlà © launched a dairy preparation characterized by containing active bifid us and a rich supply of calcium. It differs by the higher calcium content and pleasant taste. And in Latin countries the gratification of taste is a key factor for the food products sector. If your taste or texture is not good, the product will not succeed. That makes it especially attractive given a subculture from the perspective of marketing is the fact that it represents a segment of consumers with unique shopping habits, which involves a significant purchasing power for the company. If cultures differ, and if consumers behave differently, marketing strategies must also adapt to different environments can be identified. In this sense, be regarded as cultural adaptations in market research and strategies of the marketing mix, product, price, distribution and communication. In any social group differences in manifest behavior patterns for marketers this fact offers advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages as identify a greater number of differences in a society should lead to the segmentation process to continue to spread to other possible groups that show homogeneous patterns or cultural features, design marketing activities appropriate to each segment or any of them, and increase business costs arising from the differentiation. Advantages precisely because the market segmentation us to potential target sites which may constitute or niches where the company can rest, defend, or be strong. In a society there are groups that are usually values and cultural homogeneous, but that differ from other groups, all members of the macro cultural group. What is important for the marketing manager is to realize this potential cultural variety, and then follow a process similar to the following: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analyze cultural diversity in a particular social group. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identify the types existing subcultures according to nationality, race, religion or geography. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analyze the main cultural and behavioral differences à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Study the profiles of each group for demographic, psychographic and behavioral. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Evaluate the potential of each subculture as target market à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Determine the implications for marketing and its key variables. In the light of new trends that have been imposed in the marketing, seen as a social process, there has been a school of thought supported by the relativistic paradigm. The culture has begun to be seen as the background which shows the consumption patterns and also some products which have acquired a symbolism not imagined before (Lindridge and Dibb, 2003). As a result, beyond instrumentalist considerations, sociological, social, mutually beneficial exchange, strategic, administrative, and engineering (Pà ¡ramo, 2004) has emerged strongly in recent decades on the world of academics and researchers, a tendency to view marketing as part of a particular culture (Douglas and Isherwood, 1979; Arnould and Wallendorf, 1994; Pà ¡ramo, 2000a, 2000b). This trend has upset the paradigm of a country regarded as a synonym of the same culture (Rao, 1997), since societies are constituted largely by subcultures that correspond to the existing human groups. In fact, for over 20 years marketing has witnessed a continuing growth of interest in the study of cultural differences between ethnic groups and its implications for marketing and this has forced him to resort to ethnicity and culture as criteria segmentation.